
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Six Healing Sounds of Chinese Medicine

Sun Si Miao was most probably a Taoist Monk who lived circa. 690 A.D. in the Tang Dynasty. A man of many talents, he was responsible for the invention of gun powder, which is considered as one of the four greatest inventions of ancient China. The other three are the compass, paper, and typeprint to speed the produciton of books. He also organized a method of sound therapy. Although the Chinese people had been using sound as a tool for healing for many thousands of years, Sun distilled the core of the art into six healing sounds, and created a system for using them.

Sound therapy is a form of vibrational medicine and a health practice. The vibration stems from sounds created by different positions of the mouth and tongue. These various sounds affect different parts of the body, organs, and meridians. The sounds are also related to the seasons. Sun was the first to record these different sound-body-season combinations.

The following will give an overview of the six healing sounds and an approximation of what they sound like. If the reader is interested in practicing this art, it would be best to have someone who knows, personally demonstrate the sounds.

1. Su - Sounds like “shhh”
Season - Spring
Organ - Liver (also relates to the eyes)
2. He - Sounds like “huh”
Season - Summer
Organ - Heart and Circulatory System
(Also relates to tongue)
3. Hu - Sounds like “who”
Season - Occurs between all seasons
Organ - Spleen and systems of digestion
4. SI - Sounds like “ssss”
Season - Fall
Organ - Lung and Respiritory System
(Also Relates to the nose)
5. Chui - Sounds like “chewee”
Season - Winter
Organ - Kidney and Systems of Elimination and Hormones
(Also relates to the ears)
6. Xi - Sounds like “ssea”
Season - Occurs between all seasons
Organ - Triple Burner System - For absorbing energy from food

To use the system effectively, practice Wu Chi first and then the healing sounds. Repeat the first sound six times and then go on to the next and repeat it six times. Do this for all the sounds. For additional benefit, repeat the one sound that refers to the current season six more times at the end of the set. It is important to follow the exact order of the sounds as they are listed here. When first learning the sounds, it will be necessary to whisper the sounds, to insure correct mouth/tongue placement. Once the placement is correct, the sounds are created with just the breath - no audible sound is heard. This practice can be used for a particular health issue, but may also be used to maintain good health.

Mantak Chia (Taoist Master)

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