The main aim of this blog is give information all about alternative healing, also to share some of my compilation and research in HERBAL MEDICINE, Acupressure, Reflexology, Acupuncture Points, some healing methods in YOGIKA CHIKITSA (Yogic Treatments), Ayurveda, the other Herbals used by our local healers, always visit for UPDATES...

Monday, April 23, 2012


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Anonymous said...

I have 1 large spot in my left eye on the lower right part of it. Then 2 small spots on the lower left side. I also have 3 very small spots on my upper right eye. All the spots are in the color. All spots are black. Should I be concerned? Does it mean something is seriously wrong? A woman I know told me about iridology and made me kind of worried. I have had the one spot ever since I can remember. Even as a teenager. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Unknown said...

Anonymous: You need not to overly be concerned about the spots. Such spots are usually formed in puberty stage although you can review pigement spots in the iris studies in this link.

Anonymous said...

I was just curious about the rings I have around the lens of my eye. I have yellow/ light brown colouration in the stomach and digestion/ intestine area which I have always remembered having. Does this mean that I have issues there? I eat health and look after myself, but the colour never seems to fade or go completely. Is there something that I can do?

Harald said...

I am very happy to be here
Cara Mengobati Gatal Pada Kulit yang Tidak Kunjung Sembuh

Indriani Winie said...

Hopefully it will be more blessing
Cara Mengobati Tbc Kelenjar Secara Alami

Elisa said...

I love these colorful images.