The main aim of this blog is give information all about alternative healing, also to share some of my compilation and research in HERBAL MEDICINE, Acupressure, Reflexology, Acupuncture Points, some healing methods in YOGIKA CHIKITSA (Yogic Treatments), Ayurveda, the other Herbals used by our local healers, always visit for UPDATES...

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Small Intestine Meridian (SI)
The Hand Greater Yang (Tai Yang) of the Small Intestine 19 points

The small intestine channel of the Hand-Taiyang starts at the ulnar aspect of the tip of the little finger, and travels along the ulnar border of the hand dorsum upward to the posterior border of the lateral aspect of the upper arm. It passes through the cubital region curving around the scapular region. Then turning downward to the supraclavicular fossa and ascends to the neck. Travels up to the cheek going through the outer canthus of the eye, and ends anterior to the tragus of the ear.

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